Monday, April 4, 2011

American Culture vs British Culture 1960s

Watching spy movies from the 1960s is a good way to compare American and British cultures of that era.

So who is the best spy?  James Bond or Derek Flint? Why?


  1. I think James Bond is better than Derek Flint.James Bond is tend to real world .Derek Flint scenes were overdone.

  2. BAsically, Derek Flint is a parody for James Bond and it`s an answer: definitely James Bond.He save world, he figth with real bad guys.Derek Flint everytime used absurd methods or tricks.

  3. in my opinion, i like James Bond more than Derek Flinet. because James Bond is so cool, handsome, humour, bravey, dispassion. he is a effective hero. so i think James Bond is better.
